

7335 Uppsatser om Telenor Sweden - Sida 1 av 489

Kluster utan duster : En analys av kluster och dess effekter på butiksförsäljning

Denna uppsats visar, med en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod, hur försäljningen hos Telenor Sveriges butiker påverkades beroende på om butikerna var placerade i kluster eller inte, i gatuläge eller gallerior, samt med hänsyn till vilka konkurrenter som fanns i närheten. Studiens slutsats tyder överlag på att det, för försäljningen, var bäst att finnas i ett kluster, helst i kombination med en butiksplacering i en galleria..

Kundrelationer och Kundlönsamhetsbedömningar: En fallstudie inom telekom

This paper examines the customer relationships of a telecom operator and how their customer accounting is done. The aim is to use the framework developed by Lind & Strömsten (2006) to categorize customer relationships and see to what extent the framework predicts which type of customer accounting method is used for each customer relationship. A case study was made at Telenor Sverige AB where different customer relationships are identified and linked to the customer accounting techniques that are used for financial measurement of the customers. Findings include that all but one of the customer relationships described in the framework were recognized at Telenor and that most customer accounting techniques mentioned in the framework were in fact used and associated with different customer relationships. The results of the case study also highlight that some differences exist between the predictions of the framework and the observations at Telenor..

Fusionen Telia/Telenor och TeliaSonera : Vad hände?

Denna studie har som fokus att identifiera de faktorer som påverkade utgångspunkten för den tänkta fusionen mellan svenska Telia och norska Telenor samt fusionen TeliaSonera. Ytterligare skall faktorer som kunde ha underlättat och möjliggjort fusionen Telia/Telenor besvaras. Dessutom skall fusionen mellan Telia och finska Sonera studeras och jämföras med den förstnämnda fusionen för att påvisa vad som gjordes annorlunda under förhandlingarna med Sonera.Detta kommer att undersökas genom ett antal tidningsartiklar kring händelseförloppen samt intervjuer med personer som har kunskap och erfarenhet kring ämnet. De personer som intervjuats är; Lars-Johan Cederlund, ämnesråd/Director på svenska näringsdepartementet, Brita-Lena Ekström, f.d. ekonomijournalist på Dagens Nyheter, Ulf Bäckman, f.d.

En medial fusion : En studie av Telia-telenor fusionen.

Bakgrund: Telekomindustrin har på senare tiden genomgått en period av strukturella förändringar. Dessa strukturella förändringar har bland annat medfört fusioner och sammanslagningar av företag inom branschen. Fusioner har en inverkan på en rad olika faktorer för företag och samhällen. Att kommunicera med media är viktigt då ett företag genomgår en fusion. Syfte: Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att öka förståelsen för företags kommunikation under en fusion samt hur media reproducerar fusionen.

Going Real-Time in no time? : ? en kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie i hur Sveriges största annonsörer använder sociala medier och Real-Time Marketing.

Background: Our daily lives and personal interactions are increasingly featuring social media and social networks in particular. Topics regarding social media, its impact on society at large ? both on corporate as well as individual behavior ? has been the focus of many research papers. Personal use of social networks are regularly being mapped out by researchers aiming at clarifying concepts such as engagement, trust and interactivity, and mapped by companies seeking to maximize return on investment concerning their marketing efforts. The aim of our study is (i) to map how companies and/or organizations operating on the Swedish market use their company?s pages on the social media as a way of communicating with their followers and audience, as well as (ii) identifying whether ?Real-Time Marketing?, in our own definition, is used or not.Methods: The research methods used included both quantitative and qualitative content analysis.

Den Interkulturelle Kommunikatören : En studie av kulturens inverkan på kommunikation

AbstractAuthors: Åsa Höjer, Karl WijkmarkTitle: The intercultural communicator. A study of cultures? influence on communication.Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: University on KalmarLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 67Date of seminar: 2009-01-15Advisor: Jens CavallinKey words: Intercultural communication, culture, Hofstede´s cultural dimensions, anxiety and uncertainty, self-confidence, high and low context, verbal and nonverbal communication, Telenor, Pakistan, Scandinavia.Case company: TelenorPurpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what cultural differences, regarding communication, that are present between Scandinavia and Pakistan. Furthermore the purpose is to illustrate which factors that are important for personnel working for Telenor, that are about to work in a foreign culture, in order to create effective intercultural communication.Methodology: The following study is a case study that has used a qualitative methodology with interviews conducted via e-mail. To be able to interpret and understand human experiences and situations a hermeneutical approach has been taken.

Från loj till lojal : En fallstudie avseende företag inom telekombranschen & deras förmåga till värdeskapande processer.

Denna uppsats handlar om att finna de faktorer som är viktiga för att företag inom telekommunikationsbranschen skall kunna behålla sina kunder då kärnprodukten inte längre räcker till som konkurrensmedel.Orsaker som ligger till grund för dagens situation är juridiska förändringar, globala förutsättningar samt den tekniska utvecklingen. Mot bakgrund av detta har det blivit nödvändigt att skapa värden som sträcker sig utöver kärnprodukten och därigenom tillgodoser befintliga kunders behov. De aktörer som inte klarar av detta menar vi kommer att tappa marknadsandelar och tids nog försvinna från marknaden.De fenomen som vi valt att peka på i uppsatsen är konkurrens, globalisering samt vikten av att skapa värden. För att belysa dessa har följande teorier valts; Värdekedja/ Värdestjärna, Målstyrning/ Processtyrning, Värdeskapande genom induktion, Involvement Theory, Affärsidé samt Service Management (Tjänstevision/ Tjänstekoncept). Ur dessa teorier har sedan följande syntes mynnat ut;Företaget bör:? genom interaktion med kunden upptäcka vad denne önskar sig av produkten/tjänsten och vad som får honom/henne involverad.? utforma kunderbjudandet efter de kriterier som framkommit genom interaktion, samt i enighet med företagets struktur? implementera den information som skapat företagets struktur, detta för att kundens önskemål skall formas till konkreta erbjudanden.Empirin är hämtad genom både kvalitativ och kvantitativ datainsamling.

Vindkraft i norra Sverige. Inventering av lämpliga platser för vindkraftsetablering i de sex nordligaste länen.

The interest for wind power has increased in Sweden. Northern Sweden is especially interesting due to that a new wind resource map shows that there are areas in northern Sweden that have more potential for wind power than what have been known before. Therefore E.ON Vind is interested in finding out if, and where, there are suitable places for establishment of wind power in northern Sweden. The purpose of this master thesis is therefore to perform an inventory of northern Sweden for suitable places for wind power. The master thesis is performed at E.ON Vinds office at Vasagatan in Stockholm.

Beredelsens plats i Svenska kyrkans mässordning

The Church of Sweden sent during the spring 2010 two documents, Teologiskagrundprinciper för arbetet I 2006 års handboksgrupp and Mässans grundordning forconsideration. The documents are parts in the work with writing a new service-book for theChurch of Sweden. After the documents had been sent for consideration by the dioceses therehas been a discussion about the proposal to make the preparation in the service of HolyCommunion facultative. My main question has been to se if there will be any change of theconfession, faith and doctrine in the Church of Sweden if the preparation becomes facultative.I have seen that the service-book is an expression for the confession of the Church of Sweden,therefore there will be no change of the confession of the Church of Sweden, but a change ofits expression.I have seen that there is no consensus in how the dioceses react over what is written in thetwo documents about the forgiveness and the atonement. My conclusion is that it may bydifficult for the Church of Sweden to fix a new service-book without first fix what the Churchof Sweden means with forgiveness and atonement..

Hela Sveriges folkkyrka : En idéanalys av Sverigedemokraternas syn på kristendomen i Sverige och Svenska kyrkan

The aim of this study is to describe ideas put forward by Sweden Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna) about Christianity in Sweden and the Church of Sweden as a Folk Church, a church for a whole people, and how the political party uses Christianity as a part of constructing a Swedish identity. The investigation is based on official documents, newspaper articles, statements and political motions which are analysed using a form of text analysis called idea analysis. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on Claire Mitchell?s theory about religious content in ethnic identities and Einar Billing?s and Johan Alfred Eklund?s thoughts about what makes the Church of Sweden a Folk Church.The investigation shows, among other things, that the Sweden Democrats? view of the Church of Sweden is similar to the thoughts of Eklund but they differ in their lack of references to theology. The investigation also shows that Christianity serves as an important marker for the Sweden Democrats in creating a Swedish identity. .

Corporate Social Responsibility ? Ett paradigmskifte i den nya tidens fo?retagande

Syftet med denna studie a?r att underso?ka och analysera det arbete som Sveriges tre sto?rsta mobiloperato?rer, Telenor, TeliaSonera och Tele2 bedriver kring Corporate Social Responsibility. Studien a?mnar ocksa? underso?ka hur arbetet utvecklats under de tre senaste a?ren, samt hur detta fenomen kommuniceras. Genom detta o?nskar vi uppna? en ba?ttre helhetsbild och en djupare fo?rsta?else fo?r CSR, samt bidra med insikter, uppta?ckter och egna tolkningar kring a?mnet.Metod: Kvantitativ inneha?llsanalys av CSR-redovisningar. Av dessa tre studerade fo?retag kan vi urskilja vissa gemensamma trender bolagen emellan.

Vilka är Sverigedemokraternas sympatisörer? : En kvantitativ studie om radikal högerpopulism i Sverige

The aim of the current study was to examine the radical right-wing sympathizers in Sweden. To fulfill this aim, a quantitative case study on Sweden Democrats sympathizers was conducted. More specifically, this study has examined socio-economic backgrounds and political attitudes of the Sweden Democrat sympathizers. The results show that sympathizers of Sweden Democrats are higher among younger people and men. The results also show a higher support for Sweden Democrats among people with lower education and low income that also live in small towns and in the countryside.

Barns icke-verbala kommunikation i leken i en mångkulturell förskola    

This study was conducted by using a qualitative textual analysis on UNICEF Sweden?s website with the purpose of problematizing the role of UNICEF Sweden in today?s globalised society. This was done in the context of how organisations of civil society have gained influence. Following questions were answered: How does UNICEF Sweden legitimise its operation? Which strategies does UNICEF Sweden use to encourage involvement and donations?The study shows how UNICEF Sweden legitimises its work by promoting a unique influence, their unique methods of work and by showing how the organisation helps the most disadvantaged children.

Integrationsprocesser bland 6 invandrade japanska personer i Sverige

This research outlines studies about the relationship between social integration process of Japanese immigrants in Sweden and how social media assists in this process. The purpose of this research includes: To find out the reasons of migration to Sweden for six Japanese immigrants, any difficulties that they faced at the beginning of their immigration process and/or any positive qualities that they found in living in Sweden, whether they have accessed social media since they have moved in, if they do so, how the social media has been used and also, whether the social media has had a role to play in contributing to help their social integration process. In addition, it has been considered whether the participants have plans to return to Japan. In Sweden, there is relatively small Japanese migrant population. This social science research paper is the first in Sweden which explores the immigration process of Japanese migrants into Sweden.

Hatbrott & nationalism i Sverige, finns det ett samband?

AbstractMedia presents hate crimes and nationalism as phenomenon that has increased both internationally and nationally in recent years. Further media largely pair these phenomenon together. The groups mostly exposed to hate and nationalism are people of different ethnic origin and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer) people. In Sweden's general election in 2010 a RHP-party, Sweden Democrats, made it in to Parliament. The purpose of this study was to examine how hate crimes and nationalism, in the form of the Sweden Democrats, has increased in Sweden and if there was any link between them.

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